Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Return to Hofo Challenge

I fear I've gained a pound or two this past long weekend on Lunar New Year celebratory food. I ate to much I can't remember it all. My only consolation is that amongst the piles of sweets and fried foods (all of which I did sample) I gorged myself mainly on sweet juicy oranges, poached chicken, parsnip cake and the vegetarian dishes. What can I say? Mom makes damn good vegetarian and it has tons of different components in it so its not really worth making unless you're making it for a crowd. Mmm celebratory veggies... I still have a tupperware full for my dinner tonite. HA!

coffee & almond milk
parsnip cake (my fav! I get my own personal one for my birthday I think *hopes*)

spinach salad
1 pear
handful of almonds
2 snack cheeses

chinese veggie mix
poached chicken

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